Mission Brands Consulting

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Did Google just level the playing field for credit unions?

Gen Z, the first unilaterally digital native generation, is entering the workforce. With them comes billions of dollars of spending power—but perhaps more critical to the credit union mission, a broadly under-developed financial awareness.

Traditionally, a key obstacle for smaller credit unions to live into their mission at times like this—to reach new but underserved/under-supported communities and grow while doing it—has been simple: Marketing power. The larger the financial institution, the larger the marketing capacity; the larger the marketing capacity, the greater the opportunity to entice and engage new members.

But the largest marketing behemoth of them all, Google, may have just leveled the playing field with the launch of SGE—Search Generative Experience.

You can’t spell Alphabet without AI

SGE combines the technological poster boy of the year—generative AI—with the platform’s fundamental search prowess in a marriage that posits the most seismic evolution to Google’s user experience since, well, Google. And with it breaks a new SEO dawn.

Now, organizations of any size have the capacity to reach above the digital fold if their web content is maximized.

SGE is essentially conversationalizing the Google experience. Search terms are returned with an AI-generated snapshot, providing a few high-value links for further reading. But in the history of man, nobody has ever Googled a solitary query and left it there. SGE knows this and offers follow-up queries, and it’s here that credit unions can really start breaking through.

Local and relevant

Let’s talk SEO for a moment (for any non-marketers, forgive yet another initialism). Throughout 2023, Google refined its algorithm to prioritize value-adding content created with “humans in mind”. This was essentially to prevent people gaming the organic search term system by littering web pages or blog posts with key words—search for any meal recipe to see that in action.

In practice, this means insightful, educational and informational content is prioritized. And it’s here that credit unions can maximize the SEO/SGE duality. Creating content that explains and explores core financial themes beyond commoditization costs nothing but time—and it is exactly the type of content SGE will scrape for as it tries to guide users through a search journey.

Member-facing staff in particular are a critical source of information regarding the true challenges facing members in the community. They are the financial first responders who, like the AI you’re trying to maximize, can provide invaluable information with the right prompts.

  • When members ask about X, what do they say about Y?

  • When members with A challenge discuss B solution, how do you position C option? 

Dive deep on the member journey to create content that addresses the spectrum of financial wellness and Google will reward your effort.

Get in touch to see how Mission Brands Consulting can support your marketing strategy.